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“On a scale of 0-10, how would you rate your stress?” This was a question on a health intake form I recently filled out…and I was like “how am I supposed to quantify this?!” Since stress can come from so many different areas of life- work, family, finances, infertility- it can be hard to put […]
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Recently there’s been a tweet re-circulating talking about how we have a generation of women who were put on birth control from the age of 14 years old for acne and irregular periods who are now dealing with PCOS, hormonal imbalances, depression and infertility. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this and it’s […]
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Last week I got a DM through instagram…it was so simple and yet asked a BIG question. “So how do you help couples who are trying to get pregnant?” Let’s explore that… 1. Get Curious and be the detective Taking a thorough health intake to gain a better understanding of whether there may be hormone […]
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This is a BIG question, and if the answer is “yes”, then we have a huge potential to influence fertility, especially in the year leading up to getting pregnant. After all, we have to eat, so why not make sure we’re fueling fertility at the same time? It’s really easy to get caught up in […]
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I know so many people who rely on OPKs to tell them when they’re ovulating… But the truth is OPKs CAN’T confirm that ovulation actually happened (and neither can your period tracking app ). Luckily, using the tools in this post can identify if and when ovulation happened. You might be thinking “but how does […]
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If you’re trying to get pregnant (or avoid pregnancy), it helps to know exactly when you ovulate and when you’re most fertile. Remember how I said Apps can’t tell you exactly when you ovulate? (link) Well, this post is going to give you some great guidance on how to PREDICT ovulation. Some quick facts: The […]
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There is just oh so much I could say about the thyroid! Thyroid hormone is responsible for many metabolic activities in the body. When the thyroid hormone is low, generally things slow down and dry up- hence low energy, slow metabolism, slowed digestion, dry skin, hair loss and dry or brittle hair. Low thyroid can […]
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PCOS is one of the most common hormonal disorders in women, affecting 1 in 10 women of childbearing age in the United States – that’s an estimated 5 million women! Few women are aware of what PCOS symptoms look like or how to manage these symptoms. PCOS symptoms include infertility or difficulty conceiving, irregular periods, […]