Medical Disclaimer


This website provides health information in an informational and educational manner only, with information that is general in nature and that is not specific to you, the reader. The contents of this site are intended to assist you and other readers in your personal wellness efforts. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any information provided in our website to you. Nothing in this site should be construed as personal advice or diagnosis, and must not be used in this manner. The information provided about conditions is general in nature. This information does not cover all possible uses, actions, precautions, side-effects, or interactions of medicines, or medical procedures. The information in this site should not be considered as complete and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment. You should consult with your physician before beginning any exercise, weight loss, or health care program. This website should not be used in place of a call or visit to a competent health-care professional. You should consult a health care professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this site or before drawing inferences from it. Any decision regarding treatment and medication for your condition should be made with the advice and consultation of a qualified health care professional. If you have, or suspect you have, a healthcare problem, then you should immediately contact a qualified health care professional for treatment.