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This is a BIG question, and if the answer is “yes”, then we have a huge potential to influence fertility, especially in the year leading up to getting pregnant. After all, we have to eat, so why not make sure we’re fueling fertility at the same time? It’s really easy to get caught up in […]
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The 90 days prior to conception is a crucial time in which the human egg (ovum) progresses through its final maturation.
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I know so many people who rely on OPKs to tell them when they’re ovulating… But the truth is OPKs CAN’T confirm that ovulation actually happened (and neither can your period tracking app ). Luckily, using the tools in this post can identify if and when ovulation happened. You might be thinking “but how does […]
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If you’re trying to get pregnant (or avoid pregnancy), it helps to know exactly when you ovulate and when you’re most fertile. Remember how I said Apps can’t tell you exactly when you ovulate? (link) Well, this post is going to give you some great guidance on how to PREDICT ovulation. Some quick facts: The […]