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    This guide is for anyone who has...

    • Been told labs are normal but still not getting pregnant... (What if what's "normal" isn't actually optimal for healthy conception?)

    • Been doing all the right things, but nothing has worked yet... (If all the things aren't actually individualized, they be very helpful...)

    • Been trying to DIY their fertility plan & is feeling totally overwhelmed... (Not gonna tell anyone to "Just Relax" here, but we all know this DIY-ing isn't helping)

    Gain clarity on the unseen fertility blocks by discovering the most commonly overlooked lab markers related to unexplained infertility. 

    Fertility Lab Guide

    Hey there! I'm Dr. Katie Rose, licensed naturopathic physician and fertility puzzle solver.

    After coming off birth control at 26 and not getting a period for 6 months at a time, I was given the option to "go back on birth control or stop worrying about it." But I knew I wanted to get pregnant in the future. So I took my fertility into my own hands and developed a system to help my body feel safe to conceive naturally (not once but twice!). 

    For the last decade I've used this system to help hundreds of couples defy the odds and finally get pregnant.

    This testing guide is part of step one of my 3 step, *no B.S.* system to uncover the unseen fertility blocks.